Step By Step Using the Smooth X Gimbal for IPHONE


-Spin grey cylindrical handle counter clockwise or left (view it from the bottom - the tripod mounting part) this unlocks the device.

-Spin the top phone holder piece towards the UNLOCK symbol - this unlocks the top phone stabilizer part.

-Place the phone in (home button on RIGHT side).

-Open ZY Cami App click camera top left and hold power button (not red record button) click connect.

-For any steadicam/basic SMOOTH shooting - HOLD M at any point to TAKE SMOOTH X OUT OF STANDBY MODE INTO "SHOOTING MODE" - this simple mode allows a very smooth tracking of wherever you are pointing  which is great for any steadicam and smooth shots - do not use the joy stick at all for this. Just point the arm (with the 4 white battery dots) at the target and it will turn there smoothly and cleanly.

-Only use joystick for special pan left right shots where you must spin away from the subject, etc. (more rare).

-Hold power to power off device and relock the points of lock.

-Keep the ZY cam app open and open the MOMENT app to shoot there instead as it is much better.



Note: In the event that the SMOOTH X vibrates/shakes, take the iphone off to lighten camera load or adjust camera and place back on try holding it should suddenly work.


Note: Tripod mounting is not perfect on this. Below is an image of a position to shoot with it horizontal on a tripod and or with no battery power left in the gimbal, for handheld. Position the smooth x like this and put the iphone home button on left to make this handheld rig if batteries die for smooth pan and tilts.