Article: Contact Referral May Be The Answer To Your Company's Problem

As taught to me by a friend, as taught to him by a course in his early twenties, Haldane's method of "Contact Referral," is both an extremely simple and powerful business method and mindset.  The idea is that people respond to the word "help," and if one is able to bridge a network of contacts together (even as low as 2-3 of them at a time) contact referral is a great strategy to achieve your goal. 

The method is as follows: You ask a reliable contact you know if they know someone one else who may be able to help you with your objective or your goal.  They then will give you someone who they think can help.  If this is not enough, you can ask this person if they know other people who can help, or two more people who can help.  You can ask these new contacts for help.  You can do this for as long as you need to get to your goal or until a new pathway and objective is set.  People are not always the answer, but when you are looking to broaden your opportunities to get a job, find investors, find resources, a location or anything your business needs within reason, contact referral is a great way to get it done.  Our company has often used it successfully in the past to get to places we did not know were only one contact's "help" away.