RICH DAD POOR DAD (BOOK) Lessons Book By Robert T. Kiyosaki

Important Lessons of Rich Dad Poor Dad:


1) MONEY IS NOT REAL and it doesn't own you - money is only whatever we agree that it is

2) The single most powerful asset we have is our mind

3) The Poor work for money

4) Often times, you must be BOLD and INTELLIGENT in choices to get ahead in life

5) Escape the RAT RACE

6) There is often times many different financial solutions to a problem

7) Pay yourself first

8) Choose your friends carefully

9) Choose to be rich everyday, working hard to squander money quickly is a waist of a lifetime

10) Learn a little about a lot

11) Break your monthly bills and passive income into ASSETS and LIABILITIES, balance them out so your assets can help you earn more then your liabilities, create savings, generate compounded interest and freedom from 9-5 jobs

12) Self-control is one of the most important things you will ever learn, without self-control in the choices you make financially and otherwise, you will never be rich

Lesson 1: The Rich Don't Work for Money.

Money works FOR THEM.

Fear often makes us run and get into the RAT RACE of a 9-5 job, not pursue passions and we never learn to save, invest or put our money into sources of passive income.

Ultimately it should be your goal to have more ASSETS working for you to generate income (that is not related to a job we need to physically be there for) than you have LIABILITIES.  Passive income earned every month and year so you will not only overcome bills but grow in wealth by saving and carefully investing in YOUR OWN FINANCIAL FUTURE over time.

Lesson 2: Why Teach Financial Literacy?

LEARN FINANCIAL LITERACY: Know the difference between an asset and a liability and focus on growing your asset column.  Most people think their home, their car, expensive $1,000 golf clubs are assets: THEY ARE NOT.  In times of financial hardship, these assets cannot be sold at their same value.  This is not a true asset.

BEST ADVICE: Keep your expenses low, reduce your liabilities and diligently build a base of solid assets that generate income.  Start building a stronger asset column and stay away from credit cards and debts.

Lesson 3: Mind Your Own Business.

BUILD ASSETS AND PUT THEM TO WORK: Build your asset column and NEVER take dollars out of it, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER.

Never taking dollars out and adding to it with focus and diligence will allow your money to work for you 24/7.  Once a dollar goes into your asset column it will become your employee.  

You can keep your day job and work diligently while building a strong asset column.

Great assets include: Stocks, bonds or real estate.  Anything that has value that you can earn money from without working for the money.  

If you need to work for your asset it is not an asset but a new job.

Lesson 4: The History of Taxes and The Power of Corporations.

The rich put their money into a corporation of some kind.  Many expenses can be company expenses and taxes are legally lessened.

Lesson 5: The Rich Invent Money.

Instead of saying you cannot afford something, instead find ways to leverage what you have into what you need.  Never say you cannot afford something instead say you will find a way to afford something if it is a necessity but do not spend frivolously.

The Rich can invest in something, remove their initial investment and get their new invented MONEY (profit) invested into something new.

Lesson 6: Work to Learn—Don't Work for Money.

It is much more valuable to LEARN than to EARN in the long term.  Get a job in marketing or sales if you must for lower pay just to learn those skills or get a job that will give you a greater chance of SUCCESS through acquired skill sets for business and life.  Communication in both writing and speech is very important but there is two very important skills everyone will need no matter what they take on in life...

The two very important skills are:

1) Learning how to sell

2) Learning how to market

Other important skills are:

1) Writing

2) Speaking

3) Negotiating

With these two skill sets you can tap into your very own financial genius and learn and find ways to earn and generate assets to BEAT your liabilities, grow savings, invest responsibly and with diversity and lead a more secure life.