Article: URBAN LEGENDS (2): FINAL CUT Genre: Teen Slasher Film (1996) Director: John Ottman

An EXCELLENT teen slasher drama that is high on my list of favorite slasher films.  My aim is to study the genre elements that make a film WORK.  In the teen slasher genre we can look at some surprisingly deep and interesting analysis from film critics.

Richard Nowell author of the book "Blood Money" writes that teen slasher films actually consist of seven story points: 

1) the Trigger, whereas some past event acts as a catalyst for the killer’s eventual attack
2) the Threat, whereas the killer picks his or her target
3) Leisure, whereas a group of youths indulge in recreational activity, both illicit and not
4) Stalking, whereas the killer shadows his chosen targets, making him or herself known only subtly
5) the Murders, in which the killer does away with some of the kids
6) the Confrontation, whereas the few remaining kids (often only one or two) make a stand against killer
7) Neutralization, whereas the killer is stopped, at least for the time being

This film has them all and does so in a fun and entertaining way.  In this type of film, the acting TRULY MATTERS.  It is hard to make these situation believable and it is GREAT when you see a film work hard on its characters to get you interested in them and even better when an actor can make you fully believe the character and care about them or even hate them.

The acting is also great from an ensemble of soon to be known actors.  This film combines the best elements of the mystery "whodunnit," mostly realistic characters, believe it or not, who remind me of some of the slimier people film school can attract...

In this way I am partial to it because I actually met people like this and I can relate so maybe I give it higher marks because of this.  I think the film could appeal to anyone for different reasons, is still a fun and entertaining film.

The film successfully captures an exciting and dark atmosphere by utilizing some great "film sets" for the film students or made by them. There is one location/set that is this incredible MINE RIDE that makes for a great slasher film sequence onscreen.

Our masked killer chooses a cloak with hood and a fencing mask which is a truly frightening yet COOL outfit for this kind of movie, taking the faceless killer idea in another direction.  The mask the killer chooses is important and one must always look at it as a symbol of the film in one way or another i.e. "Scream's" Ghost Face is funny and unsettling, just like the franchise itself.  It is scary to see these ideas paired together, the outfit and the faceless mask...the camera to capture and savor the moment...creepy.

This is a great film with some of the best of the Slasher Genre and specifically one of the best "Teen Slasher Films" like the "Scream" films, "Halloween" franchise and the better "Friday The 13th" films.  box office figures state a 14 million dollar budget and a 38 million return paving the way to another sequel Urban Legend (3): Bloody Mary which I will see soon.

Watch the trailer here:

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