You can talk about George Orwell's "1984" almost without end and people have been since it was released. There is so much in this book that is violent, honest and vital in both its words and ideas. It is absolutely terrifying to imagine a world where PERFECT totalitarianism has gotten to a critical point in development where they can even enforce "thought crime." A shudder comes to you in thinking of the interrogation in the Ministry of Love. Orwell describes torture with a precision and intensity that is almost completely overwhelming. Winston is a simple character in many ways, he only really longs to have the freedom to LOVE and not conform, this is where all of his problems stem from. He is MADE in fact DOMINATED into thinking the way the party wants Winston to.
Big Brother is watching...and let us not forget that the party wanted total destruction once their control was absolute.
The party teaches that history is dangerous, education is dangerous, love is dangerous...
The party slogan -
War is Peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.