FRAILTY Genre: Crime/Thriller Director: Bill Paxton Stars: Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton

"Frailty" is a difficult movie to watch but the plot is thrilling because it twists and turns.  The basic premise of a dad obsessed with killing people who he thinks are "demons" and involving his two young sons is basically terrifying for an audience to watch.  You can't help but relate to the innocent kids in the situation.  As the story unfolds and the kids become more involved in the act of killing it twists even further into a nightmare no one can escape from.

"Frailty" has some great atmosphere and strong religious statements to make.  The claim that a person can lose their mind and begin to justify killing people for religious reasons is in your face and ultimately you need to deal with that part of the film.  Is it any different than the holy wars or any war in general?  When you see a crazed man kill someone for such a radical belief you realize that an element of faith is always part of the equation.

"Frailty" asks us to consider the reasons why people would be driven to murder other people and how others can be forcibly indoctrinated to do the same given the proper circumstances.  So is the title a reference to the frailty of morality or belief...maybe the frailty of the innocent to so easily become corrupt?

The end of the film goes on a little longer than I like, it should probably end on its hard to black ending which would be a damn SHOCK...but there is a difficult story to tie together here in the end that in some ways is hard to follow unless you are engaged one hundred percent.  This is good though because you are forced to talk to those you have seen it with or others who have and the film has that lasting weight.

BUDGET 11 Million