DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE (1995) Genre: Action Director: John McTiernan Stars: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson
DIE HARD 3 takes the appealing everyman lone cop formula of DIE HARD 1 (1988) and mashes it into a buddy cop formula. The most appealing element of the film is the testy relationship between Zeus and John and the relentless action sequences that they pull through/emerge victorious from.
The film (surprisingly) takes on issues of race which works quite well as a means of quickly identifying differences in the two main characters, drawing them into brief but interesting verbal conflicts. The film differs from LETHAL WEAPON 1 (1987) in this regard, this discussion of race.
The premise is simple really, a guy on the phone is making demands and we need to run around and meet them while also trying to anticipate his next move to thwart him.
A fun entertaining ride with a memorable central relationship.