Article: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) Genre: Adventure Director: Richard Fleischer

"Pirates of The Carribean" in the early 2000's created a sense of pure adventure and excitement that I had never felt in a film before, in some ways the film has a different feeling for me today...probably because I have seen the blue prints.

Films like "Swiss Family Robinson" and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" were foundational movies in Disney's library.  In these two films we find some of the most pivotal entries in the family adventure genre and the same sense of adventure and excitement that seems infused in the first two entries of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise.  I also see elements of "Indiana Jones" here.

The film is a simple adventure of men aboard an incredible submarine and the distinction between Ned and the infamous captain Nemo.  A few great songs are performed by Kirk Douglas.  Early practical effects are quite astounding as the men battle the giant sea creature in the rain.  This is a classic and truly a masterpiece.