ERREMENTARI (2019) Director: Paul Urkijo Alijo Starring: Kandido Uranga, Uma Bracaglia Genre: Fantasy/Horror


Imagination and originality is what ERREMENTARI has in spades!  

I would love for this film to spin off other movies in the same world.  The director Paul Urkijo Alijo is passionate and talented and must be recognized for his incredibly inspired work, not often does a film feel fully fleshed out, I believe this is a place that exists somewhere.  It reminds me of the artistry of another beautiful film PAN'S LABYRINTH.

The atmosphere of the film is deep and rich and once you are fully sold on the environment...then the horror appears.  The first appearance of the demon is deeply unsettling...scary even.  The film does not shy away from humorous situations and comedy and does not ultimately take itself too seriously, which is important when you have a comical looking demon hanging in a cage trying to negotiate for better treatment.  The film balances atmosphere, mystery, suspense, charming characters, supernatural elements all over the course of its sleek and engaging story.

Available now on NETFLIX what more could we want from a new and original film/filmmaker?!