FROM DUSK TILL DAWN (1996) Director: Robert Rodriguez Stars: George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino Genre: Horror/Western
This film is an entertaining and cool ride with some"Tarantino/Rodriguez" magic flavor mixed in. I did not love this film as much as some of the other work by both filmmakers (it feels a little too campy for my taste) but the film is a SIMPLE vampire killing tale with some cool western style, mostly based around one location.
I think one of Robert Rodriguez's best films is his 4th one (THE FACULTY) and this film (his 3rd) is an earlier work for sure. Some of the most memorable moments include the Salma Hayek dance scene, Harvey Keitel with a shotgun killing vampires and the last shot of the film...where it is revealed that the bar itself is actually a large pyramid! That was fun.